IA news

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Dear Colleague,

Welcome to the journal newsletter for Intelligenza Artificiale (IA). We are delighted to announce the publication of Volume 16, Issue 2.

The content from this new issue is included below, as well as details on how to submit your research to the journal.

Looking forward to working with you.

With kind regards,


Fabrizio Riguzzi


Volume 16, Issue 2

DeepCreativity: measuring creativity with deep learning techniques
Franceschelli, Giorgio | Musolesi, Mirco

A unified view of configurable Markov Decision Processes: Solution concepts, value functions, and operators
Metelli, Alberto Maria

How to model contrary-to-duty with GCP-nets
Loreggia, Andrea | Calegari, Roberta | Lorini, Emiliano | Rossi, Francesca | Sartor, Giovanni


Most Read IA Articles in 2022

Listed articles were published in 2021–2022 so you can read the most popular recent content.

AI & COVID-19 (Research Article in Vol.15, Iss.2, 2021) – Openly Available
Bacciu, Davide | Girardi, Emanuela | Maratea, Marco | Sousa, Jose

Special Issue for the 22nd Workshop “From Objects to Agents” (WOA 2021) (Editorial in Vol.16, Iss.1, 2022) – Openly Available
Calegari, Roberta | Ciatto, Giovanni | Omicini, Andrea | Vizzari, Giuseppe

Federated transfer learning: Concept and applications (Research Article in Vol.15, Iss.1, 2021)
Saha, Sudipan | Ahmad, Tahir

Symbolic knowledge extraction from opaque ML predictors in PSyKE: Platform design & experiments (Research Article in Vol.16, Iss.1, 2022)
Sabbatini, Federico | Ciatto, Giovanni | Calegari, Roberta | Omicini, Andrea

Human-robot interaction through adjustable social autonomy (Research Article in Vol.16, Iss.1, 2022)
Cantucci, Filippo | Falcone, Rino | Castelfranchi, Cristiano


Previous Issues

IA 21 web

Vol. 15, Iss. 1

IA 21 web

Vol. 15, Iss. 2

IA 21 web

Vol. 16, Iss. 1


Call for Papers

As a member of our research community, we would like to invite you to contribute your own work for publication in the journal. Intelligenza Artificiale offers contributing authors many benefits, including:

· First class Editorial Board

· Rigorous peer review and speedy manuscript processing

The Scopus CiteScore of Intelligenza Artificiale is 2.6 (2022).

View the detailed Instructions to Authors.


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